Asked and Answered
The seller’s apartment presently has a storage unit. Does the storage unit transfer with the apartment?Maybe. As George Carlin would say, people have a lot of "stuff". Storage units are coveted and sometimes the right to a particular storage unit terminates with the sale of the apartment. Unless the storage unit is owned by the seller or is specifically designated to be appurtenant to the apartment being sold, the rights to use the storage unit will terminate at sale. The printed portion of the co-op contract has a "check the box" section that expressly deals with this issue. That being said, all contracts should address whether or not storage is included. As there are always waiting lists for storage units, during the due diligence phase, a purchaser should ascertain whether the storage unit comes with the apartment. If storage is provided on a "first come, first serve" basis, the purchaser will find himself or herself at the end of a waiting list that can go on for years.